Customer Referral Scheme

Parkour is a sport that is built and focused around community.

Community plays a significant role within parkour, extending far beyond just physical movement.

We work to build a strong, supportive, and active community at Crawley Parkour, both in and out of our sessions. Here are some of the key pillars of community we bring to our sessions!

  1. Support and Encouragement: Parkour can be challenging both mentally and physically. Having a supportive community can provide encouragement, motivation, and advice.

  2. Safety and Learning: We’re proud of our coaches, and having a community around you means having people who can give feedback on technique, and help you progress safely. Learning from others' experiences and mistakes can prevent injuries and accelerate skill development.

  3. Sharing Knowledge and Skills: Parkour has many diverse movements and styles. Being part of a community means having access to a wealth of knowledge and skills. Our coaches have a wealth of experience in different areas of parkour, from coaching to performance and professional work. Beginners can learn from our experienced coaches, whilst also learning from their peers.

  4. Sense of Belonging: Parkour communities often foster a strong sense of belonging and camaraderie. Whether it's through training sessions, events, or online forums, practitioners form bonds based on their shared passion for movement, overcoming challenges, and personal growth.

  5. Social Connection and Mental Health: Engaging in physical activity within a supportive community can have significant mental health benefits. Parkour communities provide opportunities for social interaction, which can combat feelings of isolation and improve overall well-being.

  6. Positive Culture and Values: Parkour communities often promote values such as respect, humility, perseverance, and self-improvement. By surrounding themselves with like-minded individuals who embody these values, practitioners are encouraged to embody them as well, both on and off the training ground.

In essence, community is the heartbeat of parkour, enriching the experience beyond just physical movement and contributing to personal growth, safety, and a sense of belonging.

At Crawley Parkour, we are always looking to build and develop our community, which is why we are pleased to announce our customer referral scheme.

Refer a friend to Crawley Parkour classes, and receive £5 of account credit when your friend attends a class!

If your child is attending Crawley Parkour classes, we recommend using their referral code, so TeamUp knows which account to add it to!

How Do I Find My Referral Code?

Your referral code can be found in your TeamUp account. Check out the video below!

  1. Head over to TeamUp

  2. Click “My Account”

  3. Click “Upcoming Registrations”, and head down to “Referrals”

  4. Copy your referral code (if a parent, copy your child’s referral code"), and share with your friends!

TeamUp will tell us once your friend has signed up and has attended a class! Upon your friend attending a session, you will get £5 of account credit added to your account!


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